Monday, March 1, 2010

Quick Level-Up

Quick Level-Up

The second edition of Farming Extreme Manager comes with an incredible trick to quickly level-up in Farmville. Basically, it consists in a change of money for experience. If you have a big quantity of money and would like to "buy" experience, you can plow terrain, plant soybeans (or any other seed) to gain experience. Then, instead of waiting for it to harvest, you delete the terrain and do everything again. You lose some money but win experience at a very fast rate.

To use this feature, you just need to type how many columns you want to plant and how many times you want to repeat the process. Then, just press the "super fast level-up button" button, open farmville in full screen and put your mouse over an empty area (empty green square inside your farm). Notice that if you have bought Hawaiian Potatoes, you can choose to use them as they give you more experience.

And that's it! Just go for a walk and when you come back you will have much more experience than before. With this feature, you can gain up to 80 thousand experience points per day

Nice, ah?

Helping Neighbours

Helping Neighbours

Helping neighbours and fertilize their farms is something you can do for three reasons: Getting ribbons, money and experience.

However, the process is absolutely repetitive and boring if you want to win ribbons or gain any considerable amount of money or experience. The last ribbon, for example, requires you to help your neighbours 2500 times... Imagine doing that on your own! With Farming Extreme Manager, you can do it automatically.

It's very easy to use, you don't need to set up any option, you just have to open Farmville in the neighbors area and hit the "Help Friends" button. Please notice that when you press the "help friends" button, the manager will minimize and the farmville game must be the active application.

And that's it! Just go for a walk and when you come back you will be closer to the ribbons and have acquired an interesting amount of money and experience. Not to mention your friends will be glad you fertilized their farms!

Nice, ah?

Harvesting your farm

Harvesting your farm

Farming Extreme Manager 3 is very easy to use. The following, is a screenshot of the application when open:

As you can see, there are two groups: One for the main feature of harvesting your farm, animals and trees, and another for extra features (helping neighbors and the level-up-trick). You only need to tell the application what you want to do by checking the various checkboxes (harvest,plow,plant, collect from animals, harvest trees).

The first time you use the application, you need to define your planting areas. This is very easy to do! You just need to click on "add/edit planting areas" and you will be told to open farmville in full screen. When you do so, your farm is going to be replicated on the screen so you can define your planting areas. Notice that next time you edit your planting areas, you won't need to open farmville as the application will already have an image of your farm.

Now, in the edit planting areas window, you just need to define what and where you want to plant. On the left side, you see that there is a list of all the planting areas you have. You can add new ones by pressing the "add" button, or delete them by double-clicking on them. To select the seed of a specific planting area, you just need to choose it from the list on the right. If for some reason you don't want the harvest of that area to start right away, you can define a delay (for example, if that area is not ready to be harvest yet).

For each planting area, you must click in every crop that should be harvested. However, you don't need to actually click on every square, you can define areas by clicking in one square and then, while holding the shift key, click on another square. Notice that you may also undo and redo your operations by pressing the keys "z" and "y" respectively. If you click in a color dot, you will delete it if you have selected the same planting area or, if you have selected another one, you will change the color of the dot. If you want to delete a whole planting area, just double click on it (inside the listbox on the topleft corner)

Finally, when you've finished, you can click on the finish button, and on the main window, click on the harvest button. Then, you only need to open your farmville game in fullscreen, and that's it, the application will harvest,plow and plant in the planting areas you defined and, if you requested it, collect from your animals and trees.